
Gramado Summit: With highlights for retailtech and edtechs, more than 300 startups exhibit at the innovation conference

Gramado Summit: With highlights for retailtech and edtechs, more than 300 startups exhibit at the innovation conference

With highlights for reitailtechs and edtechs, more than 300 startups exhibit at the Gramado Summit innovation conference

Startups come from different Brazilian states and different segments

More than 500 exhibitors are present at Gramado Summit 2024, one of the main technology and innovation conferences in the country, which takes place from April 10th to 12th. Among these 500 brands, more than 300 are early-stage startups. In the startups category, businesses in the reitailtechs and edtechs segments stand out, but healthtechs, fintechs, martechs, HRtechs, govtechs, indtechs, foodtechs and proptechs also have a strong presence.

These startups are from several Brazilian states, especially São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, Minas Gerais, Bahia, Acre, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte. The most prominent segments among the exhibiting startups are fintechs, healthtechs, edtechs, martechs, retailtechs, HRtechs, govtechs, indtechs, lawtechs and foodtechs.

According to the CEO of Gramado Summit, Marcus Rossi, the conference seeks to highlight startups, following the purpose of empowering small entrepreneurs. “We work with a series of incentives to bring these startups to the event and, at the same time, we also offer actions to facilitate connections and investments for them”, he explains.

Among these actions that startups can participate in is the Battle of Startups (the winner of the competition receives a contribution of R$200 thousand from the Ventiur accelerator, with the possibility of reaching up to R$1 million through co-investment).

Gramado Summit was created in 2017 by entrepreneur and CEO Marcus Rossi. In its first edition, it focused on exposure and content for early-stage startups, bringing together an audience of 700 people. Over the years, the event began to prospect larger companies for the business fair and also a broader audience for the lecture discussions. In 2023, in its last edition, it received 10 thousand visitors, 500 companies exhibiting at the business fair and around 300 speakers in the content areas.

For 2024, there are 400 speakers and 500 companies exhibiting at the business fair. Among the speakers are names such as Mari Maria (influencer), Marcos Piangers (Daddy is Pop), Veronica Oliveira (Faxina Boa), Gilberto Silva (high performance mentor), Denílson Show (five-time world champion), Romero Rodrigues (Headline), Natalia Beauty (NB Group), Christiano Faig (Microsoft), Jandaraci Araujo (Conselheira 101), Icaro de Abreu (IBM) and Yuri Mussoly (Tiktok).